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A what kind of contest?!
A Scientific Pecha Kucha contest!
Are you passionate about your research? And would you like to share your story with a broad audience while boosting your presentation skills at the same time? Join this contest!

Unique event for young scientists
Great way to boost your presentation skills and share your scientific knowledge
Professional and experienced jury members will choose the winner of this contest
Selected speakers receive an online workshop to learn the basics of Pecha Kucha

The winner will receive a winner's trophy and the honorable title of the winner of this Pecha Kucha contest!

Pecha Kucha?
Pecha Kucha is a presentation format that originated in Japan and is now used worldwide for sharing ideas, stories, and information.
The term "Pecha Kucha" is derived from the Japanese words "chit-chat" and it emphasizes brevity and conciseness in communication.
In a traditional Pecha Kucha presentation, the speaker uses 20 slides that are displayed for 20 seconds each, resulting in a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. This time limit challenges presenters to be concise, focused, and visually engaging in their delivery.
Pecha Kucha presentations typically involve a combination of images, graphics, and minimal text, with the speaker providing narration or commentary to accompany the slides.
Practical information
Are you a researcher based in the Netherlands or Belgium currently working on your PhD-project or postdoc-project? Then this event is for you!
Registration does not guarantee you to become a speaker at the event. First a selection round will take place. For this round you will be requested to send in a 3-minute pitch video before June 30, 2023. Based on these videos 6 speakers will be selected.
A professional jury will select the final speakers based on clarity, content and charisma and will choose the ultimate winner on November 23, 2023.
On the actual event 6 speakers will present their Pecha Kucha presentation in front of a general audience (>100 people) (bring your family members and friends!)
For the speakers an online workshop will be organised in September, 2023 to teach you the basics of Pecha Kucha.
The Scientific Pecha Kucha Contest takes place on November 23, 2023 at LAB111 in Amsterdam from 6.30 to 8.30pm.
Interested? Fill out the form below and receive all the speakers' information you need to join the contest!
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